20 things that are not acceptable after college

1. Wearing crop fringe tops.

2. Eating easy mac daily.

3. Ordering Jimmy Johns every night at 4 am.

4. Wearing sweats outside the house. Not that they are ever appropriate, but I'll let wearing them to morning class slide.

5. Drinking Keystone. Even if you're still broke, I'm sure you've found something better for your buck.

6. Decking out in college gear. Unless you're going back for a game.

7. Crystal light as a chaser. It gets old.

8. Posters. Remember those Andy Warhol posters and concert posters to remind everyone who your favorite band is? Leave those in the dorm room. Upgrade to real paintings.

9. Adding someone on Facebook that you just met.

10. Depending on your parents for money.

11. Sleeping in a twin bed. You never know when you'll have a sleepover buddy.

12. Wearing lingerie outfits to a party. It's different running around with hundreds of other sorority girls on campus from wandering the streets of NYC.

13. Napping during the day. Sorry, you can no longer go home between classes to nap. Instead, grab an extra shot of espresso to drink at your desk.

14. Bartons. That vodka is the worst. Only appropriate during freshman year.

15. Making bets during a beer pong game. You should know better by now -- you're not as good as you say you are.

16. Ordering takeout nightly. It's time you learn to cook.

17. Going out with no coat in the winter. I get it, you want to show off your outfit and you don't want to carry your coat. But there comes a point in life where you learn that being warm is more important.

18. Anything fake. Fake id? I hope you got rid of it. Fake Louis? Hide it in your closet. Make enough to buy yourself a real one.

19. Going as long as you can without doing laundry. (I'm still guilty of this)

20. Starting the weekend on Wednesday or Thursday. Sure, you went to class hungover. It's different going to a 9-5 job with your head spinning.


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