10 signs he's a stage five clinger

1. He friends you on Facebook, follows you on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and even LinkedIn.

2. He likes every photo you put up on Instagram, even if it's a blurry photo of your latest DIY.

3. He texts you the morning after you met with "hey love."

4. You have several texts from him back to back even though you haven't responded to anything.

5. He starts making future plans with you -- after talking to you for one hour. And he hasn't even bought you a drink yet.

6. He wants to know what you're doing, every night of the week.

7. He doesn't leave in the morning. Even when you mention all the things you have to get done that day.

8. He posts a photo of you on Instagram. Just you.

9. He brings up something you posted on social media and you can't even remember because it was that long ago. He's clearly stalking you.

10. He brings up his ex and how things didn't work on the first date. Then goes on to say how much more beautiful and amazing you are. It may sound like a compliment, but he shouldn't be comparing you to his ex already if he was with her for two years and he has known you for a total of two hours.


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