Screw Seamless, Dani's cooking is better

I love food. I've also learned to love cooking. While my coworkers at Citymaps order from everyday and my friends at Victoria's Secret frequent McDonalds or Pax, I make a majority of my food and portion it out to last me a few days. That's how I save A LOT of money.

Most of what I make is inspired by what I see on Pinterest or Instagram but sometimes I just wing it. I try to stick with plenty of protein and veggies so I can power through the day since loading up on carbs can make me sluggish.

Here's an example of one my recent favorite meals: chicken with onions and peppers, sauteed kale, and spicy buffalo cauliflower.

I've never liked cauliflower but I found this recipe on Pinterest and wanted to try it. I mix flour, garlic powder, and water together and coat the cauliflower pieces in the mixture. Then I spread the pieces out on a baking sheet and bake for about 20 minutes in a 400ยบ oven. While it's baking I mix Frank's hot sauce (my favorite) with melted butter and coat the cauliflower in that before baking for about another 10 minutes. Comes out delicious.

I think I'm going to start selling these to my coworkers to make some money and get them off seamless. If only I had the time and resources to make that BIG of a batch.


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