The commute from hell: will I make it out alive?

I've been cooped up all week and sometimes I get cranky when I feel stuck, my mom knows exactly what I'm talking about. My work has been closed all week and part of the subway has opened up, but it still doesn't allow me to get into Manhattan easily. Today I went to the grocery store not because I desperately needed food (well, desperately needed my milk) but because I needed a reason to get out of the apartment.

It was nice at first, not having to shower or change out of my pajamas, lay in bed all day watching Breaking Bad or Gossip Girl (guilty pleasure), and eating what ever I wanted. But after a few days I began to get antsy and restless. So last night being Halloween, my roomies and I decided to check out a local Glendale bar. I got hit on by a 43 year old (thanks for the beer) and we found a tv stand on the sidewalk that we carried home. I really miss Halloween in college.

Tomorrow I actually have work. And it will be the true test of my patience when I brave the bus system and traffic going into Manhattan. Normally my commute on the subway takes about an hour. But here's a photo of people in Brooklyn in line for a bus into Manhattan (from BuzzFeed):

So I'm planning to have a lovely time shoving and pushing with aggressive New Yorker's in our attempt to get to work. I should be a happy camper once I arrive to work for my 8.5 hour shift. I'm planning to give myself at least 2.5 hours to get to work and I'll email my managers and let them know my situation in case I am late.

While Sandy did not affect me much in Glendale, it has a bigger impact on everything else. Though I'm still thankful for power and shelter, as many people are still without. Ah, now THIS is commuting madness in NYC. Wish me luck!


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