These Cinnamon Rolls Give Cinnabon a Run For Their Money

I made the best damn cinnamon rolls I've ever tasted.

I can't even remember the last time I ate a cinnamon roll. It's not something I think about—my savory tooth never craves sugar. But Saturday night at midnight I decided to prep some cinnamon rolls and it was one of the best decisions I have made during quarantine. 

My internal body clock doesn't sync with normal society—my energy peaks late at night and my mind is sharpest after most people have already drifted to sleep. 4 AM would be an ideal bedtime. If I wasn't worried about noise complaints I would blast music and clean my apartment at midnight. But instead I focused my energy on making cinnamon rolls, not that it took a whole lot. 

I followed a recipe by Ambitious Kitchen but used AP flour instead of bread flour. I recently switched to King Arthur which has a higher protein level than most AP flours (this is probably why my sourdough starter suddenly came alive and bubbled over its mason jar) so the rolls were still soft and fluffy a day later. I made the dough with yeast I purchased off of Etsy and went back to rereading Harry Potter while it rose for an hour. After rubbing butter and a brown sugar / cinnamon mixture on the dough, I rolled them up and popped them in the fridge.

The following morning, er, afternoon, I let them rise at room temperature for an hour before baking. Nick and I immediately devoured several rolls fresh out of the oven. God damn they were good. Please excuse me while I go for a 30-mile run in an attempt to burn these off. 


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