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Alliteration Week & Living in a Catch-22

Has it really been almost a month since my last post? It's not like I'm too busy to write. It's quite the opposite. Thing is I'm living in a catch-22. This whole quarantine scenario has made my insomnia worse and I think it's because I'm not mentally stimulated like I normally am. I like to keep busy and have a packed calendar of work and social events. My body doesn't know what to do with all this sitting around and doesn't know when it's time to sleep. But then I sit on my couch like a zombie all day in a state of sleep deprivation. I'm bored but too tired to do anything. But I need to do things in order to sleep. See my problem? It hasn't stopped me from cooking. A girl's gotta eat.  I made a jalapeno cheddar sourdough loaf that was unbelievable. Accidentally bought a 4-cheese ravioli with gorgonzola which I can't stand but had to eat anyway. Made chili oil from scratch for some wontons that had tears running down our face from the...

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