Love trumps hate

I have some very serious, embarrassing news to share with you. It might shock you, make you fall to the floor, or pass out.

It'll make your mind go numb and ask "but Dani, why??"

It could make you vomit.

Here boyfriend is a Trump supporter.

I'll wait while you scream into your pillow.

You're probably wondering how I could possibly date such a person. But my answer is that I have no freakin' clue. It ain't easy.

I'm young so I haven't dated through a lot of elections but I'm sure it was easier in previous years. If you dated someone with opposing political views and your candidate lost, it was probably tough but fairly easy to get over. A republican won? Ok, sad day, but I'll move on and my relationship will move on.

But Trump isn't just any republican. He's a racist, misogynist pig who is an embarrassment to this country. He's a cry baby at the playground yelling "teacher, Hillary called me a mean name." He's a stubborn, ugly billionaire who yells "wrong" every time he hears something he doesn't like. He's stupid. He's a celebrity. His facts aren't alternative - they're fake.

He wants to build a wall. He wants to deport immigrants and refugees. He wants to take my health care away. There's no way in hell he's going anywhere near my p*ssy.

I've yelled at my boyfriend, probably too many times. I remind him everyday how disgusted I am that he supports such a monster.  I tell him that if Trump pushes through the 20% border tax, we won't be able to afford mezcal. That's very serious.

The election has caused many fights. I've told him Trump's face and voice are not allowed in our apartment.

But I can't let something like this destroy an otherwise healthy, loving relationship. Our country is so divided right now that we need to come together, despite our differences. Love trumps hate after all.

I absolutely love my boyfriend, political views aside. He's great to me, he has goals, he treats everyone around him with respect. He has become my best friend. That's what matters.

Now if he were pro-life and voting to defund Planned Parenthood, that would be a different story. But he doesn't necessarily like all the things that Trump is about...he likes his personality (gag). He likes that he's brash, has no filter when he talks, and makes him laugh.

I can't write about this loser anymore.

What I'm trying to say is, we can't let a single person divide us. We can't go through life choosing friends and loved ones based on who they support as a candidate. They might need some education shoved in their face...but if they're a genuinely good person, then throw politics out the window and move on.

And count down until the next election.


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