It's been a cold, moldy winter

Have you ever dealt with mold? I'm not talking about the fuzzy mold that sprouts on bread or the science experiments in your fridge. I'm talking about walls -- bedroom walls -- covered in mold.

My wonderful super came to "fix" my steaming radiator but it has still been causing major condensation in my room this winter. It doesn't help that it's been -10 all winter and my place is the corner apartment, so that hot, humid heat from my radiator just keeps dripping down my frigid walls. My boyfriend helped me (bless him) wipe down my walls but it's grown again -- this time all the way into my closet.

We armed ourselves with long rubber gloves, a bucket of bleach water, sponges, and pump-me-up music. We wiped down all my walls until it reeked of bleach and the water was black. I thought the problem was solved -- my radiator wasn't steaming like it was but there was still moisture in the heat, while my ceilings weren't dripping on me anymore, the walls were still streaked with condensation and the mold slowly grew back.

It was when I was packing for Miami and I reached into the back of my closet for my dresses that I noticed it: a whole wall covered a mold that had transferred to one of my dresses. I cringed in horror.

Now that it's finally above freezing point and it's no longer raining in my bedroom, it's time for another bleach wipe down and I hope it'll be the last. I did notice one thing I overlooked: a picture frame hanging on my wall that is now rotting and growing fuzzy mold. Oh the joy.

Here's all the problems I've encountered in my Brooklyn apartment:

-Shitty super
-Shitty roommate
-Bed Bugs
-Leaking Ceilings
-Steaming Radiator

But I'll just laugh and move on because nothing can stop me. And I love my crappy apartment.


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