Flowers from a stranger

I had to work both jobs on Halloween -- 9 am to 11 pm. I wasn't planning to go out since I was so tired, but my new friend Rodrigo convinced me to get a drink.

We went to a gay bar called Barrage after leaving work. We were the only ones not in costume. But we sat on the side and pointed out all the hot guys packed into the place. Towards the end of the night and after a cocktail called pearl necklace, this guy gestured me over. I assumed he was gay since we were in a gay bar, but he told me I was beautiful and wanted to take me on a date. I was thinking, aw that's sweet.

But then he went outside and bought me roses. He was 48. Even showed me his id. When Rodrigo and I were leaving he saw I was with him and went back to buy him roses. Then hailed a cab and told us to come with him. I don't have to tell you that we didn't and instead walked away from a very weird situation.

On my way home I was sitting in the corner sat on the subway. A guy sat next to me. At 3 am, the subway is nearly empty for him to sit anywhere.

He asked how long ago I moved here. I was confused and said, "I moved here several years ago." He said "oh...I just never see people with your skin color in Brookln." I was shocked. He kept telling me how beautiful my skin was. Then asked if I had a Myspace so we could keep in contact.

Myspace? What year is this guy living in?

Now, I have roses on my table. That next morning after only a few hours of sleep I had to call makeup artists and hair stylists in an attempt to chase them down and turn in their surveys to me. That was, of course, after several cups of coffee. But even then I feel like I had a great first week at my new internship.

I did end up having a Halloween party that Friday and went as Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction. I couldn't figure out how to attach a syringe to myself so I ended up shoving it through one of the buttons on my white button down shirt that I bought at Goodwill.


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